Hello world ... some of you readers may know who I am and will therefore understand why I started a Blog on wines, but for those that do not know me (yet), let me try to explain using a FAQ like view on this ...
A: Because the earth is so full of wines that there are never enough blogs to describe all of them
Q: Why a blog ?
A: Because I feel like writing down stuff about all the interesting things I learn about the world of wine. I also tend to forget how and when I learn certain aspects about wines, I would like to keep track of my evolving knowledge of wine and look back at this in a number of years from now.
Q: Why not a wiki ?
A: The world is full of crazy people, wikis are great stuff, but as this is about my personal exploration of the world of wine I like to control the content of this blog myself.
Q: Why start only in april 2009 ?
A: Because it is only turning into an intersting hobby in the last couple of months
Q: Why in English while you speak Flemish ?
A: Because I don't want to limit the audience to only Flemish and Dutch readers. English is the international language I know best and it will allow me to keep more people up-to-date.
Q: Why enable AdSense ?
A: If all goes well, I may earn a few bucks while we all learn about wines. What is the big deal ?