Merlot wine tasting

It has been a while already, but I noticed that I haven't yet posted the slides of the Merlot wine tasting evening that I organized for my companies wine club in January.

As the next wine evening is coming up end of this month (about US wines this time) I better publish this one here and now ...

Here are the slides (slideshow provided by Google Docs)

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A last(?) thing about Lebanese wines ...

In yesterday's wine world taster of the year competition there was one question about Lebanese wines hidden as a multiple choice in which it was questioned whether Chateau Musar was a winery in Cyprus, Israel or Lebanon.

As I have been in Beirut in December for work (see earliers posts here and here) and have been paying close attention to the winecards in the restaurants I went for dinner I was quite sure that this Chateau Musar was not Lebanese as I only recalled Chateau Kefraya and Chateau Ksara. Therefore I gambled on Cyprus in stead ... and was of course wrong.

Another thing that I will quickly forget ...